Commercial to rent, production, Brno, okres brno-město - Brněnské Ivanovice
235,000 CZK (month) Price
235,000 CZK (month) Price
Commercial to rent / production / 1337 m2 - Commercials to rent production for the price of 235,000 CZK. This property - Production. In private ownership. The size of the property is 1337 m2. Available from 13.02.2025.
The production and storage hall and administration have a total area of 1,337 m2. The hall is located in a closed industrial area strategically located at exit D1 and D2. The area is accessible by truck and offers the possibility of renting parking spaces. The warehouse and production part has an area of 1,184 m2 + the administrative part with facilities has an area of 153 m2. The building is connected to all utilities: electricity, water, gas and sewage. The warehouse and production part has 3 entrance gates, a clear height of 7.6 m and is equipped with 2x 5t and 1x 2.5t cranes. Electricity, gas and water are billed based on actual consumption.